Beamline 7.3.3 is a SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/GIWAXS beamline, covering a wide q range (0.004 - 3 Å−1) and length scale (2 - 1500 angstrom).
We are part of the "Scattering" Program under the "Photon Science/Operations" group at ALS.
- The scattering program consists of hard x-ray scattering (7.3.3), resonant soft x-ray scattering (, COSMIC XPCS scattering branch (7.0.1), and tender x-ray scattering (5.3.1) which is under development. please find more details here
SAXS/WAXS (powder, or liquid/solution samples)
GISAXS/GIWAXS (for thin films sitting on substrates)
General info:
X-ray energy 10 Kev (fixed)
Wavelength 0.124 nm
Energy band width ΔE/E =1%
Beam size ~ 300um (H) x 700 um (W)
(thin film size for GISAXS/GIWAXS ~ 1.5 cm x 0.5 cm)
Detector: Pilatus 2M (172um pixel size, file format EDF for single or GB for tiled, 1475x1679 pixels)
Beam Status (and beam history)
Sample environments:
DSC hot stage for transmission (Linkam)
Hot stage for grazing incidence (room T to 200 degC)
Tensile stage (Linkam)
Hot stage (Instec Inc., room T - 200deg C)
Helium environments for GIWAXS
Hot stage for powder-in-capillary samples
Magnetic stage for capillary samples (<1 Tesla)
Slot die printer
Solvent annealing chamber for GISAXS (organic solvent vapor)
Humidity chamber (water vapor)
Chiller [-28, 200 degc] (Julabo F25-ME)
if you need other custom in-situ setups, please feel free to contact us.
Additional info:
Robotic GISAXS/GIWAXS measurement is under development.
Data Acquisition
LabVIEW Interface/Windows
Data Analysis
Igor Pro NIKA package (on Mac) (https://usaxs.xray.aps.anl.gov/software/nika)
XI-CAM (https://www.camera.lbl.gov/xi-cam-interface)
New users, please contact Chenhui Zhu, or Eric Schaible for details.
Mailing address for sample packages:
[note: if you plan to send chemicals/solvents to ALS, please let us know in advance]
please send me a tracking info as soon as the package is on the way. thanks
Chenhui Zhu
Advanced Light Source
(Put your name here, e.g. User - AAA ZZZ)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Rd., MS 6R2100, Berkeley, CA 94720
Tel: 510-486-4395 (office)
Tel: 510-495-2075 (beamline)
Also, if you need help shipping packages back to your home insitution, it is strongly recommended that you bring return shipping labels and relevant MSDS for any samples/solutions. Please drop off your prepared boxes off ALS shipping/receiving in B53 before you leave ALS. This will greatly speed up the process. Thank you.