beam time request

To apply for beam time at ALS, please first register as ALS user at

More user guide info

Users can request beam time through general user proposal (GU-), rapid access proposal (RA*) or through Molecular Foundry proposals (MFRA#).

Once the proposal is allocated beam time, users can see the beam time schedule inside ALSscheduler.

- GU is two cycles a year (typically due in the beginning of March and September). The proposals are reviewed and rated by external proposal study panel (PSP).

* RA can be submitted anytime and will be reviewed continuously throughout the year. However, the total number of RA shifts are limited per cycle, e.g. 25 shifts for 2018-2 cycle. RAs are also reviewed by external reviewers.

# Total number of MFRA shifts are limited per cycle, e.g. 12 shifts for 2018-2 cycle.

For RA and MFRA, it is strongly recommended that users contact beamline scientist about the beam time and setup availability in advance.